Children's Church
During Sunday Worship, after the “Time with Young Disciples”, the pastor will release children up to fifth grade to participate in Children’s Church in the Fellowship Hall. Children’s Church is led by our Ministry Safe and CPR certified Children’s Directors: Kendra Till and Kyla Whitehead. The children learn about the scripture through interactive lessons and create craft projects to reinforce the learnings. Seasonally, the children will learn songs for the Christmas and Easter program during Children’s Church to prepare for performances. As Children’s Church ends, the kids are brought back into the sanctuary either during the conclusion of worship or to participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This allows the Children’s Directors to ensure the safety of all children without requiring a check-in system for Children’s Church. We have worked diligently to ensure other safety measures are in place to keep all our children safe while on the Brock Methodist Church campus.
If you have questions about Children’s Church please reach out to us at church@brockmethodist.com. Additionally, if you have any questions concerning the safety of your children during Children’s Church please contact the pastor at john@brockmethodist.com.