The Sacrament of Holy Communion:
Here are some common questions concerning The Sacrament of Holy Communion:
Q: What is The Sacrament of Holy Communion?
A: Holy Communion is a representation of our forgiveness, a memorial of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, and a communion Christians have with Christ and with one another.
Q: Who can participate in Holy Communion?
A: All persons, regardless of age, can participate in Holy Communion. Children are welcomed to participate. If a child is too young to eat the bread or drink the grape juice, they may come forward to receive a blessing from the pastor. If someone lacks mobility to stand and come forward, the pastor and communion server will bring the elements to the person in their pew. We do not want age or immobility to prevent someone who desires to participate.
Q: Does a person need to be baptized before participating in Holy Communion?
A: Preferably, yes. However, we believe that a person can come to know the grace of God in Jesus Christ through participating in Holy Communion which will lead to that person coming to profess a faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, while preferable, no, a person does not need to be baptized before participating in Holy Communion.
Q: What do I do when I come forward to participate in Holy Communion?
A: Our typical mode of Holy Communion is the practice of “intinction”, which means to dip the bread in the cup to receive both elements together. However, we also offer individual cups for those who prefer to take the elements individually. So, you would come forward and receive a piece of bread and either dip the bread in the cup and eat both together, or you would take the bread and eat it then get an individual cup and drink it.
Q: Is there a gluten free option for the bread?
A: Yes, there is a gluten free option for those who need it.
Q: Why do you serve grape juice instead of wine?
A: We do not want anyone who wrestles with alcoholism to be prevented from participating in the sacrament and we desire to show respect to those who are recovering from such illnesses.