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Back to the Basics: Sermon Series (Resources)

Rev. John R. Nader

As we are in the midst of our current sermon series “Back to the Basics”, I want to make a few book suggestions for your journey in the spiritual disciplines (means of grace). The first is a classic and best selling book by Richard Foster entitled Celebration of Discipline. Foster is the founder of Renovare a resource for a life with God experience.

Celebration of Discipline:

The second book is Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us by Adele Calhoun. This is a no-nonsense workbook for anyone who desires to begin practicing certain spiritual disciplines. The pages include a brief overview of the practice, reflection questions, lessons on beginning the practice, resources from others concerning the practice, and a table with desire, definition, scripture, and fruit of the practice. I have found this book to be a go-to when desiring further growth in my own life.

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook:

Lastly, Robert Mulholland’s book on scripture, Shaped by the Word: The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation, is a standard for anyone who is looking to approach the Bible in a way that deepens their relationship with God. One chapter of unique significance is “The Iconographic Nature of Scripture”. Here, Mulholland says, “If we begin to view scripture iconographically, we automatically begin to move [from informational] into formational mode. We stand before scripture, and it opens before us; it addresses us. It draws us into that order of being that is shaped by the Word.” In 1 Corinthians 2:13, Paul says, “These are the things we are talking about - not with words taught by human wisdom but with words taught by the Spirit - we are interpreting spiritual things to spiritual people.” 

Shaped by the Word:

As other resources come to mind, I will let you know.



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