Listening can be hard to do, especially for those of is given the “gift of gab”. But for most people, being fully present and listening is not easy. We live in a world full of distractions. Sometimes, we want to be distracted so that we don’t have to deal with the pain of life. We often want to retreat from our current situations and imagine they will be gone when we return.
Moses is in a similar situation in the story. He is on the run from a murder charge and is hiding as a shepherd out in the countryside. He has enjoyed this life away from Egypt so much that he has married and started a family. However, as we all know, God had other plans for Moses. God needed to get Moses’ attention, so God used a fire to deliver his message.
God still uses “fires” in our lives to get our attention. Some of these “fires” could be blessings and some of these fires could be disasters. For example, God uses difficult and painful situations to speak into our lives such as the loss of human life, natural disasters, or political situations. However, God also uses the blessings in our lives to speak to us. Such as new life, renewal of relationships, or the commitment of one’s life to discipleship in Christ. These are all examples of the “fires” God uses to communicate with us today.
Additionally, God does not always speak in big ways but also in small ways. In 1 Kings 19:11-13, we are given the story of Elijah looking for God’s presence. God was not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but in the thin, quietness. I have found that in my life, I find God most often in the quietness. The still, small voice of God is waiting for us to stop our chaotic lives and listen.
What is God wanting to tell you right now? What message does God need you to hear? Can we believe that God still speaks to us and that God calls us to accomplish transformational, powerful things? How can we be a community that helps people listen to God’s voice in their own lives?
God is just as active in our lives today as he was in the days of Moses. God wants to become a part of your life. Where do you need to let God in? Will you make room in your life for the voice of God?