I am looking forward to being back with you all on Sunday, September 3. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion and share in a potluck lunch together. I am grateful for the time of rest and am excited for all that is to come.
During my sabbatical, I have been meditating on Paul's Letter to the Romans. So, for my sermon this upcoming Sunday I will be preaching from Romans chapter twelve. I have attached two videos that will serve as a summary of the epistle. Please take a moment to watch these as they will assist the sermon significantly. Much credit to the Bible Project for creating this content.
This first video is a summary of Romans 1-4 and provided the reasoning for Paul's writing. HERE IS THE LINK. In addition to the video, there is a "poster" you can download as well that acts as a visual summary. The second video is a summary of Romans 5-16; including the section covered in Sunday's sermon. HERE IS THE LINK.
I have missed worshiping with you all and cannot wait to be with you all soon.