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Revelation Series: Introduction and Study Tools

Rev. John R. Nader

I am thrilled to begin this sermon series on Revelation. As we begin the series, there are a few tools I want to be sure you have in your possession to equip you for the journey.

The first tool is the website, This website contains a podcast entitled, "Five Strategies for Reading Revelation". This will be extremely helpful in your approach to the scriptures and your openness to the sermon series. Additionally, Bible Project offers a two-part illustrated overview of Revelation (Part One) (Part Two). These are helpful for a general summary of the book and will come in handy if you miss a Sunday. Also, I will not be covering the entire book. So, the summary will fill in the gaps. All of this information and more can be found on the Bible Project's Book of Revelation Guide.

The second tool is one that will be printed and passed out on Sunday morning. This is a Biblical Study Guide from Luther Seminary. This booklet offers an overview, background, themes, and selected verses highlighted in Revelation. However, the PDF includes links to podcast episodes and videos from Therefore, I am also giving you a link to download the PDF of the booklet (HERE). That way, you can click on the links and be taken to the appropriate episodes and videos.

There are a wide variety of tools for studying Revelation. I have chosen these because of their availability to offer podcasts and videos as well as written literature. These tools are vetted and trusted and are in agreement with biblical scholarship on Revelation.

You can expect a weekly blog post during the sermon series on Revelation with more tools and encouragement to engage the scriptures in preparation for the sermon.


Pastor John Nader


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