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Revelation: Sermon One - God as Creator


Revelation chapter four begins with John describing a spirit inspired trance. He reports that a door opened to heaven and a voice inviting him to witness what is to come. John’s recantation includes “the one seated on the throne” (God) surrounded by twelve elders in white robes and crowns, seven torches, and four living creatures in endless praise. Their praise to “the one seated on the throne” ins full of honor and glory as the creator of all things.

John’s spirit inspired trance of heaven in not secluded to Revelation. In fact, there were several accounts of similar spirit inspired trances in the Hebrew Bible. I recently viewed a YouTube video of Tim Mackie, the co-creator of The Bible Project, giving a presentation at a conference on prayer. In the video Mackie recounts these stories as a way of describing the Hebrew understanding of paradise. In doing so, Mackie’s inspiring message serves as an illustration for us as to what John witnessed. (YOU CAN VIEW MACKIE’S VIDEO HERE)

Additionally, and probably most remarkably, John’s spirit-inspired trance brings us to the throne of God as Creator of all things. This is important as it sets up for us an understanding that God’s creative nature is the primary nature of God. God has created, is creating, and will renew creation. The Creator is the one who gives life, the one who nurtures, the one who restores, the one who protects, the one who holds all things, the one who brings death, the one who is in ultimate control.

The same God of the universe is the one who sent the Holy Spirit to reside in us. That God may be made known to us. The same God of the universe is the one who sent Christ that God may know us. The same God of the universe is the one who the psalmist said, “knows the number of hairs on your head”. The same God of the universe is the one who the prophet Jeremiah says “knew you before you were formed in the womb.” The psalmist also says, “Who is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man tht you visit him?” Why has God done such amazing restorative, renewing things for us?

The Creator is worthy of all praise and honor and glory. The One Seated on the Throne, the God of the Universe has given us all we need to be reunited and restored as a new creation in Christ. Therefore, how do we respond to such a Creator? What can we do in comparison to the Creator of All Things? PRAISE HIS NAME WITH OUR LIVES.

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